Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Medical Tests...

Recently I have been having some strange things going on with myself. Basically my body has been talking to me, telling me something is not right but I have no clue what. I don't like to be one of those people that runs to the doctor at every pain or strange feeling but I have twice now been to the ER and now a few different doctors.

If you are on my Facebook you may have seen my status messages that I was headed back to Texas and then later the next day that I was back in Tampa and thankful for loving and caring parents. I had another, what I will call, episode as I was driving just outside of Tallahassee. I punched in my GPS for directions to the closest hospital/ER.

So far after two trips to the ER they say that nothing serious has been happening. I stayed some extra time in Tampa and went to doctors there and they could not find anything wrong and I surprisingly started feeling well. So I jumped in the car again this past weekend and headed back to Texas. I made it back with no problems but have had some more signs of these episodes so I have now followed up with my own doctor.

Tomorrow and Friday I will be undergoing a Nuclear Stress Test. No one things that my heart is a problem but my doctor said he would like to rule it out once and for all and also to help keep me from running to the ER everytime, it really is quite scary.

After these tests there are also some other tests I will be going through to try and figure out what is causing my issues. Your continued thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.


Tax Doc said...

Dan, be assured you are in our thoughts and prayers. John

Susan said...

Keep us posted. I'm glad you're blogging again!

Anonymous said...

Keep us posted on your test results. I know you want to get the problem resolved and get back to normal. Lots of people here have you in their prayers.

By the way I was "Shy" also when I was much younger, but found confidence in myself through my professional envirnment, by becoming somewhat of an "Expert" in certain areas. You already have that so use it to bolster your confidence.

All it takes is believing in yourself and knowing you're as smart, or smarter, than everyone else around you. Therefore, your thoughts are accepted as part of the ansere everyone is seeking.

Love Ya' Lots!

Amy said...

Have you checked for gallstones? I went through a similar experience a few years ago. They couldn't find out what was wrong with me. At one point they said I had had a silent heart attack and at another point they said it was all in my head. It ended up being my gallbladder. I felt so much better after it was removed.