Friday, March 16, 2007

I know, I know...

Again it has been a little while since my last post. But in all fairness, I have been sick. Actually ended up going to the doctor. I do not do that often but the flu kicked my backside pretty good. I am feeling much better now and glad that it is gone. The doctor was right, those were good drugs and I did not get any worse than I was at the time I was in his office.

So I have decided to do something I have been wanting to do for quite a while. I have always wanted to get my license to sell real estate and have decided to go ahead and do it. Today I applied for my state license and in a few minutes I will be going to be fingerprinted and have them sent in to complete my state license application. I also intend to enroll in the class online so that I can complete this at my own speed. Hopefully that will be a fast paced for me.

Once I complete the course, I should be ready to go ahead and take the state exam to be licensed to sell real estate in the state of Florida. I decided on the state of Florida because it is where I call home. I believe that I have better contacts and could build a better network faster if I were to start there.

I am still continuing my job search as I am going to need to have something to keep me going while I get my feet on the ground. I may shift my focus to concentrate more on jobs in Florida rather than here in Texas. It might be the time to make that shift.

Might also be getting close to the right time to put the house on the market. My biggest fear is that the money runs out and I am stuck with a house. I would much rather get rid of the house and still have the money left. Seems to make better sense to me.

Anyway, just wanted to update on things that have been going on with me. Hope everyone is doing well. I am off to be fingerprinted now.


Susan said...

Well...sounds like you are taking steps...and that's a good thing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for Florida and a job here.

See you soon....either online or somewhere else.

:-) Susan

Greg and Christie said...

Sounds like a good plan, you know we all wish you back home where you are missed. Good luck and we'll be waiting to hear how it's all going....


Anonymous said... updated blog :-) Glad to see you moving ahead too. Give you something to fall back on even if you do land another job. And selling your house as the "agent" would be a good start too. We'll be glad if & when you get back home.